Help Desperately Needed
The current labor shortage has been in the news for months, and it's not ending anytime soon. Fast food restaurants are offering hefty hiring bonuses and manufacturers are hanging "help wanted" banners everywhere you look. Attracting new employees has become a highly competitive arena for employers desperate for workers, which means that HR professionals need to create a strong game plan.
The problem is particularly challenging in the manufacturing world. Since it's an employee's
market, hiring managers need to convince potential hires that their organization offers the best opportunities. The question then becomes, "How can I make my business stand out from the crowd?" Obviously, high wages, health insurance, and paid time off help, but many organizations competing for workers offer comparable, if not better, benefits. That's why employee-starved HR departments are increasingly thinking outside the box to woo workers, including the use of professional recruitment videos.
Getting to Know You
In some ways, recruiting top talent is like a dating website. Imagine you're looking online at
prospective partners. You want to be sure that whomever you choose has values and goals that match your own. One has no photo and just a few words about themselves. The next has a blurry photo and list of likes and dislikes. The third has a video describing their idea of a perfect date. All three could potentially be a great match, but who would you choose first? It's no different for potential employees seeking a new employer. With so many opportunities to choose from, workers can afford to be picky. They want to know why they should choose your organization and what kinds of long-term opportunities for advancement you offer. Now more than ever, you need to toot your own horn,
especially when it comes to company culture.
Video is hands down the best vehicle to articulate your brand and connect with prospective
employees. A short, well-crafted video can reach and engage your target audience much more quickly and efficiently than a poor quality image or a load of copy. Studies have proven time and again that video reaches a larger audience and holds viewer attention longer than text. Video testimonials are effective and can be extremely compelling, especially when the viewer feels a connection to the subject. Video is also cost-effective, a short video can be shot in under an hour and repurposed on your company website, in multiple social media outlets and email campaigns.
NorthCoast Media Group has years of experience supporting our clients' recruitment efforts through video. If you're an HR professional with recruitment challenges, contact us to learn more about how video can help attract workers to your organization. Contact Info: (920) 436-4777
